Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Yeah Robbie!

I don't know who Robbie is, but I want to personally thank him for putting out the seemly ONLY fully SCD legal BBQ sauce on the market. I got it at whole foods, and it's delicious. So thank you Robbie, thank you very much.

30 Day Update

It's officially been a month since I started the SCD. Tomorrow I will take my final 5mg dose of Prednisone, which I am EXTREMELY excited about (I started the new year on 40mg). My broken rib is healing nicely, so hopefully I'll be able to get my fat ass back to the gym for some serious workouts in the coming weeks! I haven't had any real flare ups, except one on the day after I had a tee few many martoonis at the bar. Although my drinks were technically SCD Legal, alcohol has always been a major source of (gut) pain for me. Which is unfortunate given that I'm in my 20's, live in a college town, and most of my friends like to throw a few back every weekend. It makes it difficult to resist a happy hour here and there, especially when I can't eat out at restaurants as a form of socialization with my peers.
I still weigh the same as when I started, which is super irritating after 30 days of no grains or sugar. In the past all I had to do was eat according to the SCD and the pounds would melt away, but not this time. I'm assuming this has something to do with being on the steroids for such a long time, very limited activity due to the broken rib, and the hormonal change that comes with quitting birth control for the first time in 12 years. However, my "moon face" seems to be disappearing, which is the one thing I couldn't stand about the way Prednisone made me look.
I'm starting a series of body wraps this weekend, which should suck a bunch of that nasty steroid induced water weight out of me. All the message boards I look at advise to quit salt to aid in this process, but I absolutely can't do that lest I start sounding like a bad Jimmy Buffet sing-along (Where's the salt? Where's the God Damned salt???) I just love that stuff too much, and it's my only taste fix now that my precious breads and sugars have been taken away from me. Mmmmm salt.
So... I shall forge ahead slowly adding new foods, trying to be patient while I reach my goal of 20 pounds lost (I like to aim high), and a smokin' hot healthy bod. Next project: Quitting (gasp!) cigarettes!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hot and Sour Soup

Flipping through Eat Well Feel Well, I decided to take on hot and sour soup last night. Well worth the prep time, and very different than what I'm used to cooking. I've never really tackled Asian dishes, but I'm loving it so far. Filled with garlic, jalapenos, shiitake mushrooms, cilantro, bok choy, pork, and toasted sesame oil, I have a feeling this will become one of my favorite comfort foods.

If only I had someone to share the leftovers with!

So much better than McDonald's

I'm really stoked on this Comfy Belly blog I found. Great recipes, great pictures! I had a hankering for something deep fried and yummy so I opted for chicken nuggets with honey mustard since I had some pre-cut stir fry chicken in the fridge. Like most recipes I come across, I ended up adding much more seasoning to satiate my ridiculous need for spice and salt. I added garlic & onion powder, extra salt & pepper, and fried them in about an inch of olive oil. The honey mustard I dipped them in was simply that. Amazing how delicious food can be when it's not chock full of preservatives.

I am a sammy genius.

I have just made the most amazing breakfast sammy in the entire world! I used the sandwich buns from Breaking the Vicious Cycle, organic eggs, cheddar, homemade mayo, a little Louisianna sauce, and a modified breakfast sausage recipe from the Comfy Belly blog.

Ta dah!!!