Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kabobs, Quiche & Pancakes! Oh my?

I know it's been WAY too long since my last post. Since I work for a publication with monthly deadlines, it gets super busy the second week of the month and I have no time for cooking or blogging. It's one of the reasons this diet is so difficult. I've been living on mangos and lara bars for quite a while. Anywho... I have a few new offerings for my SCD friends today, and anyone else who is interested in yummy healthy food.

First up we have a low carb grain free pancake. Now, you're going to think I'm crazy but trust me on this one, it tastes amazing:

Peanut butter banana pancake

1 Jumbo Egg
1 Very Ripe Banana w spots
2 TBS Butter
Honey and Peanut butter to taste

Mash banana into liquid, beat in egg until smooth. Fry in a non-stick pan on medium heat with butter. Top with melted peanut butter and honey, serve with almond milk.

Frying/flipping this can be a bit tricky. I had to reshape it into a pancake after I screwed it up, but it doesn't affect the flavor. You can also add some vanilla and a bit of almond flour for a more pancake-like consistency, but I like this one just the way it is. Good late night treat too.

Next up: Kabobs! Why is it that they seem so simple and yet they never turn out quite right? I.e., one veggie cooks more than the other, they fall apart, etc. I did manage to make some wonderful kabobs anyway, and even grilled some tofu ones for my sweetie. No recipe, but here's the basics:

Bell Peppers

I marinated the scallops in garlic and Marsala wine for 5 hours first, and bathed the veggies in olive oil, garlic, and sea salt. I also dipped the tofu in balsamic and pan fried them before skewering, but I couldn't taste them as I'm not allowed soy or balsamic. I've been told it was the best tofu ever though :)

I grilled them over charcoal until slightly burnt, keeping the scallops on separate sticks since meat and veggies cook differently. Here is the result:

Also, the tofu ones:

Finally, last night I had a bit of time to cook. Problem was, I hadn't had time to go to the store and had no meat. What's a girl to do without meat??? (Keep the comments to a minimum gentlemen.)

I noticed some broccoli and a few sad pieces of cheese when it hit me... Quiche! It turned out great, and I ate half of it in one sitting.

Broccoli Cheese Quiche with Almond Flour Crust

1 1/2 cups Almond Flour or Meal
3 TBS Cold Butter
1 TBS Honey
1/8 Tsp Baking Soda
1/4 Tsp Salt
1 Large Egg

Put almond flour, salt, and baking soda in a medium bowl with butter. Use a pastry cutter or a large fork to mix. Make a well in the center, add egg and honey. Mix well. Using gloves or buttered hand, press into a 9" pie plate. It's more like smearing than pressing with the dough, since it is very wet. Par bake at 325 for 15 min.

4 Eggs
1/2 Cup Grated Cheddar
1 Cup Grated Swiss
2 Mashed Garlic Cloves
2 TBS Home Made Yogurt
1TBS Olive Oil
1 Small Broccoli Crown, chopped very small
1/2 Onion chopped

Toss broccoli in olive oil, spread on a cookie sheet and brown it at 400 for about 15 min until tender. Reduce oven to 325. In a skillet brown onions and garlic in olive oil until translucent and slightly brown. Remove broccoli from oven and mix all ingredients in large bowl. Pour into par baked crust. Cover the edges with foil and continue to bake for 30-40min at 325 until eggs are set.

Also tastes great cold. Ate a slice for breakfast in the car this morning! More yummy stuff to come... I'm working on desserts this week. After a moment of weakness Sunday (involved pizza and wings) and severe punishment from my body on Monday, I've decided that I absolutely must NOT run out of yummy prepared food again. Lesson learned, moving ahead!

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